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For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a writer of books.

The years passed. I realized that being a writer is a risky job if your writings don’t sell. So I tried to transform this desire of writing into a day job. After some time, I pivoted towards wanting to be a teacher. When I realized that being a teacher wouldn’t afford me the life that was sold to me on television, or at least not without many years of fighting to get accepted into the good places of the system, I opted to become a computer scientist. It wasn’t my first choice, but it felt safer.

Then Machine Learning came. Then DevOps came. And here we are.

In 2022, I have written a blog post to discuss my learning anxiety . This particular text always felt different than my other entries. It told a story that seemed bigger than myself. I felt like what I had learned at that time was worth writing a book about, to educate people about the nature of learning anxiety, as well as how I had worked through mine.

Now almost two years later, I realized that this text turned out to be my first book. I happened organically. The writing process did not look like what I had imagined at five years old. But I now had six chapters, an appendix, an introductions, a cover, … and, in my bookshelf , it did look like a real book!

That yellow book is mine!

So, what is the book about? One could say it’s about how my life was changed by folding a book in half (although that would leave much room for interpretation).

If you are interested at all in helping get this book into the hands of people in need, please have a look to the full text and send me your feedback at or in the comments below. Any help is appreciated! Here is what the placeholder cover looks like:

It looks amateurish, but I like the idea. 😄

I don’t know where this journey will take me. It’s exciting to feel like I have the opportunity to realize a dream held for over 20 years!