2 minutes
(Read 15) The Unicorn Project

Release year: 2019
Author: Gene Kim
I would suggest to skip this new release and just read the original Phoenix Project. To me, this sequel unfortunately feels like a repeat with somehow less substance.
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⭐ Star quotes
- (p. 0) ✅ “Let that be a warning to you that compliance is not just a moral obligation, or a set of contractual obligations… it’s also the law.”
- (p. 0) Code deployment lead time, code deployment frequency and the time to resolve problems predict software delivery, operational performance and organizational performance, which correlate with burnout and employee engagement.
- (p. 0) The opposite of “improvement of daily work” (the 3rd ideal) is someone who values process compliance and “the way we’ve always done it.”
- (p. 0) Researchers at Google found that psychological safety was one of the most important factors of great teams.
- (p. 0) Commit to doing what it takes to make tomorrow better than today.
- (p. 0) This is not a story about small beating large; it’s fast beats slow.
- (p. 0) Hoare principle: There are two ways to write
- Write code so simple there are obviously no bugs in it
- Write code so complex there are no obvious bugs in it
- (p. 0) If your organization is not growing, it is slowly dying.
- (p. 0) ✅ ⭐ The most valuable thing you can do is mentor or learn from your peers. Learning is for everyone and it is from there that we will create competitive advantage.
- (p. 0) Adult learners often hide the fact that they’re trying to acquire a new skill. It usually comes from embarrassment or being afraid of being seen doing something they’re not good at.
- (p. 0) The Five Ideals:
- Locality and Simplicity
- Focus, Flow and Joy
- Improvement of Daily Work
- Psychological Safety
- Customer Focus
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