Release year: 2018

Authors: Nicole Forsgren, PhD, Jez Humble and Gene Kim

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The science behind the ideas that were first featured in the DevOps Handbook. A much appreciated look behind the curtain.

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  1. (p. 5) The 2017 Forrester report states “DevOps is accelerating technology, but organizations often overestimate their progress, and executives are especially prone to overestimating their progress compared to those actually doing the work.”
  2. (p. 13) Don’t reward busywork that doesn’t actually achieve organizational goals
  3. (p. 14) The “fuzzy front end” is the nickname for the design part of the lead time. It’s often unclear when to start the clock, and there is high variability.
  4. (p. 30) The organizational culture predicts the way information flows through an organization.
  5. (p. 31) The characteristics of “good information”:
    • It provides answers to the questions that the receiver needs answered
    • It is timely (arrives at the right time)
    • It is presented in a way that can be used by the receiver
  6. (p. 36) A good culture requires trust and cooperation between people cross the organization, so it reflects the level of collaboration and trust inside the organization.
  7. (p. 39) The way to change culture is not to first change how people think, but instead to start by changing how people behave (what they do)
  8. (p. 42) A key goal of continuous delivery is changing the economics of the software delivery process so the cost of pushing out individual changes is very low.
  9. (p. 47) We create an environment where developers accept responsibility for global outcomes (e.g. quality and stability) by:
    • giving devs tools to detect problems when they occur
    • giving devs the time and resources to invest in their own development
    • giving devs the authority to fix problems straight away