Release year: 2020

Author: Header Adkins et al.

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This is a book I have been intimidated by since it came out. I am proud of myself for having finished it! I think it’s more meant to be reference material than actual reading material, to be fair. You can browse the HTLM version of this book online for free.

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  • (p. 62) Expecting perfection is an unrealistic assumption. Hope is not a strategy.
  • (p. 92) Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
  • (p. 144) Resilience is closely tied to recovery, but while recovery focuses on the ability to fix systems after they break, resilience is about designing systems that delay or withstand breakage.
  • (p. 309) Automation is a win-win, reducing toil while simultaneously increasing reliability and security. Rely on automation whenever possible.