Release year: 2024

Author: Félix Léger

Link to my handwritten notes

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Here is a summary of the method I share in the text:

The Steps:

  1. Read and highlight the golden nuggets
  2. Write down your highlights
  3. Find your Star Quotes
  4. Write about your opinion of the book

The Advanced Tips:

  1. Never go out without your book and pens
  2. Grab your book before grabbing your phone
  3. Start by reading a single book at a time
  4. Track your progress by folding the corners
  5. Use the body of your highlighter as a visual aid
  6. Get the right grip
  7. Use creative highlighting to help your future self take efficient notes
  8. Use your book’s margins and blank pages to write ideas
  9. Number your notebook’s pages
  10. If your notebook doesn’t have margins, make some!
  11. Write the source of your knowledge nuggets in your margins
  12. Use a URL shortener to encode web links in your notebook
  13. Give your book away
  14. Share your notes online
  15. Reading a book twice is inefficient
  16. Love your hardware

Félix rating:

⭐ Star quotes


  1. (p. 11) Blissful #ignorance costs missed #opportunities.
  2. (p. 11) To attain lasting #happiness, we first must choose a path of temporary #suffering (#learning).
  3. (p. 12) We can learn to kick any bad #habit. To do that, we must replace it with a good, meaningful habit.
  4. (p. 14) We must be filling to #fail, to #learn, to #succeed.
  5. (p. 14) Anyone can experience #learning-anxiety and overcoming it requires a #system of your own creation that will make learning a #joyful experience for you.


  1. (p. 20) Unsolved #problems have the frustrating #habit of building up until they turn into a #crisis.

Chapter 2: Mount Stupid

  1. (p. 29) The Dunning-Kruger Effect: In the process of becoming a #master, there is a transitional period where the #learner goes from being overly confident to feeling completely ignorant, despite constant progress in their learning.

Chapter 3: Aha!

  1. (p. 34) (Edgar H. Schein) Learning anxiety comes from being afraid to try something new for fear that it will be too difficult, that we will look stupid in the attempt, or that we will have to part from old habits that have worked for us in the past.
  2. (p. 35) ⭐ (Edgar H. Schein) You can’t talk people out of their learning anxieties; they’re the basis for resistance to change.

Chapter 4: Opening Pandora’s Box

  1. (p. 38) The book suplex
  2. (p. 40-41) #Books are punching bags for our brain. They are meant to be used however necessary to make you stronger, i.e. smarter. Whatever damage a bag exhibits went directly into making someone stronger.
  3. (p. 41) It’s ok to damage your books. That’s the point of owning them. Use your books.
  4. (p. 41) Stop respecting books, and start respecting how your brain learns.
  5. (p. 41) Don’t think of books as decorations; think of them as food that nourishes your soul.

Part II: Climbing the Slope of Enlightenment

Chapter 5: Creating a System of Learning

  1. (p. 49) Reading without taking notes is the equivalent of passively listening to the radio while driving. All your mind really records are the ads.
  2. (p. 49) We learn by doing.
  3. (p. 50) (Gabrielle Perron) You should never have to read a book or textbook more than once. If you take good notes, once you finish a book, you can consider yourself done with it.
  4. (p. 51) However your brain learns, you’ll have to #fail before you get better.
  5. (p. 51) Each humbling failure is a step closer to mastery.

Chapter 6: How to Learn from Books

  1. (p. 53) At the end of the day, what matters is that you find joy in using your learning system and that it gives you the results you want. That’s what will make you want to stick with it.
  2. (p. 54) Highlight the golden nuggets of information you find interesting, whatever the reason
  3. (p. 55) As you read, don’t bother trying to remember everything. Highlight as you go and come back to collect all the knowledge nuggets later.
  4. (p. 57) The goal of producing complete notes is to allow you to unshackle this knowledge from the book and claim it as your own.


  1. (p. 86) ⭐ When we start making different choices, we have learned.
  2. (p. 87) ⭐ We are all lifelong learners. It’s a defining trait of being human. If you want to learn something, you can.
  3. (p. 88) By arming ourselves with knowledge, our problems become more interesting, more fulfilling, and closer to our true ambitions.
  4. (p. 88) The only real failure is not to learn from failure.
  5. (p. 88) Fear is a compass that guides us toward the path that will make us grow.

Appendix A: Additional Ideas

  1. (p. 96) Any time you feel like picking up your phone to browse, pick up your book first, and read two paragraphs before using your phone.

Appendix B: Motivational Quotes

  1. (p. 129) Learning has occurred when our decisions begin to change under similar initial conditions. If your actions remain unchanged, you’ve learned nothing.